Do you need to get your EGR system or DPF repaired? If so, you’ve come to the right heavy-duty repair shop. Our technicians here at IBEX Diesel Repair are emissions control system experts. Regardless of the issue, you can count on us to have your back.

How does an EGR system work?
Your EGR system is a complex exhaust recirculation methodology designed to limit the production of nitrogen oxides. By recirculating gas into your combustion chamber, the operating temperature of your engine drops. This results in a reduced nitrogen oxide count and, as such, lessens your engine’s impact on the environment.
How does this work in a mechanical sense, you may ask? Well, rather than allowing all of your exhaust to escape, some of it is diverted using your engine’s EGR valve. This diverted exhaust is then sent through an air cooler and is then allowed to enter your combustion chamber. This cooled air drops your operating temperature.
Stuck or Leaking EGR Valves
Although EGR systems are great for the environment and are generally quite durable, they can still malfunction. The most common EGR problem is a stuck EGR valve. When your EGR valve malfunctions, the system is no longer able to regulate how much exhaust enters your combustion chamber, and as such, all of it tries to enter. This snuffs out the presence of oxygen and causes an incredibly rough ride. Common symptoms include constant stalling and extremely poor performance.
DPF Services
Your Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is responsible for removing soot from your exhaust. This filter is designed to lessen your truck’s impact on the environment, and although it generally does a good job, these filters can get clogged a cause a wide array of problems. Since the ability of your DPF to absorb soot is finite, and replacing them isn’t cheap, they often need to be cleaned. Here at IBEX Diesel Repair, we’ll use compressed air to clean your DPF filter and return it to its factory condition.
Schedule an Appointment
Want to make an appointment to get your DPF cleaned or your EGR system repaired? Call today to book an appointment.
What Our Customers Are Saying
Our company was built upon trusted relationships with both our customers and our employees. To us, those relationships are our most valuable assets. Our team is committed to providing the best heavy-duty repair and maintenance services for our valued customers through trust, integrity, and a superior work ethic.
Call us or fill out our service request form below and we’ll schedule you in for an appointment as soon as possible.

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